DIvine Synchronicity

Personalized Divine Synchronicity Email Alerts

$4.00 / month for 12 months with 1 month free trial

Personalized Divine Synchronicity Email Alerts

SKU DSEMU1 Category


Email notification of key dates and turning points as revealed in your personalized Divine Synchronicity Calendar™
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  • Meditations
  • Short Range Focus
  • Mid Range Focus
  • Long Range Focus
  • Well timed focused intention meditations and practices for health, prosperity, and happiness.
  • Fine-tuning and awareness exercises



Be notified of key turning points in your Personal Divine Synchronicity Cycles via email.  These well-timed messages bring awareness to current phases in your life journey.  By fine-tuning your attention you to the Universal Pulse of Life’s effect on you, you are empowered to experience more positive outcomes in your endeavors.

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Both short and long range influences are identified in your customized email alert.  The general tone of the current phase you are in is brought to light, and you are gently guided to lucid awareness of its meaning.  This mindful awareness gives you the ability to clear past karma and remove blockages to your life force. Each message is also posted to your personal account page for later review.

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