When this resonance occurs, we experience more positive synchronicity, miracles, healing, relief, and harmonious outcomes to the events in our lives. Merriam-Webster defines Divine as:
- Of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god <divine love>
- Being a deity <the divine Savior>
- Directed to a deity <divine worship>
- Supremely good : superb <the pie was divine>
- Heavenly, godlike. The word is derived from the Latin, _divines_, meaning “of a god.”
Synchronicity is defined as:
- The quality or fact of being synchronous.
- The coincidental occurrence of events, especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung.
From a human perspective, Divine Synchronicity means synchronicity of Divine origin. As used at, “Divine” represents that of the highest, perfect order. Our DNA is encoded with specific patterns that resonate to the universal Cosmic Pulse of Life. All living things are cyclical in nature and respond to this Cosmic Pulse in one way or another.
The Immortality Course is a six month course featuring twenty-six (26) sequential lessons. The lessons are delivered via online video and live conference call. Students also receive resource materials and products via mail or courier service. The student is given timeless esoteric knowledge and exercises grounded in the three main categories: Physical, Spiritual and Philosophy which results in a quantum shift in consciousness.