About the Immortality Course
The Immortality Course™ is presented as a six-month course featuring twenty-six (26) sequential lessons delivered via online video and live conference call.
In the Immortality Course, each student is given timeless esoteric knowledge as well as powerful mental and physical exercises grounded in three main areas of study: Physical, Spiritual and Philosophical. For the student, end result is a quantum shift in consciousness.
Versions of The Immortality Course™ have been taught for centuries. Sometimes shrouded in mystery, folklore, religious dogma and mythology —or simply ridiculed by the ignorant, the path to “illumination” and resultant physical immortality is known and practiced quietly only by just a few people out of billions. Despite the era, the process of achieving immortality has always been the same. For thousands of years, students who dedicate to this path of immortality experience the same quantum leap in consciousness.
The current age we live in offers access to information and technology previously inaccessible. Therefore, The Physical Immortality Course™ has been compiled and adjusted to match the times. There are no complex mystical or esoteric systems to learn or master, no unpronounceable mantras to learn or obscure religious dogmas to follow. The new six-month Physical Immortality Course™ is rooted in science. In the course, students are initiated into a completely new way of thinking. A New Paradigm.
A New, Limitless Way of Being.
To succeed in The Course, the student must learn to effectively manage and control ego and be flexible enough to adjust life philosophy and system(s) of belief to accommodate a miraculous new life. The Physical Immortality Course is divided into three areas of study: Physical, Spiritual and Philosophy.
Though it may seem that some lessons do not apply to you directly, it is the synthesis of all modules and areas of study combined that bring the student to mental, physical and spiritual realization. We begin the initiation by teaching how to heal common physical ailments, some of which have been considered incurable by so-called modern medical thinking: Arthritis, Diabetes and Cancer.
Sadly, in our society even the most highly educated medical professionals are merely taught how to perform “medical procedures” such as surgeries, diagnoses, writing prescriptions and the prescription of ongoing therapy. While it’s true that some become outstanding experts in their given field, very few learn how to teach a patient how to heal or be cured.
Course Outline
Learn to reverse arthritis
Arthritis is a disease condition and an inflammation caused by crystallized toxic waste from a diet of constipating foods and/or synthetic chemicals that reduce moisture in the joints and cause waste deposits in the joints. The presence of arthritis can mean that the body is not dissolving and flushing out toxins or minerals. The waste deposits can collect and congest in the tissues and muscles. Conventional drugs ultimately make arthritis worse and destroy the body.
Learn to reverse Diabetes in 6 to 12 months
Diabetes is disease of the pancreas. It occurs when the melanin centers of the pancreas (Islet of Langerhaus) are damaged. When the body has natural fuel for the body (sugar) available, and fails to recognize it, the condition exists. This causes excess sugar to accumulate, which the body eliminates via excess urination. Diabetes is usually caused by overeating and refined carbohydrates (bleached white flour, white rice, white grits, cooked white potatoes, and refined white sugar). Eating excessive amounts of animal flesh and cooked animal fats (fats and proteins change to sugar in the body) can also cause diabetes.
Learn how cancer can be overcome without drugs or surgery
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States.The word Cancer means crab and/or creeping sore. Cancer tissue and cells cover a broad spectrum of malignant (bad) neoplasms (new cells). There are over one hundred types of bad new cells (malignant neoplasms) classified as cancer. Each is believed to have a different cause. Cancer is a disease that has unfortunately become a profit-making industry. As an industry, it must expand the medical signs and symptoms of cancers as well as the definition of cancer in order to survive. This expands the market share (amount of people to buy treatments). This industry also must expand its arsenal of treatments, such as drugs, research projects, chemotherapy, and surgeries which increase profit.
Introduction to Physical Immortality
This lesson outlines an accessible, pragmatic pathway to physical immortality. According to Wikipedia, “Physical immortality” is a state of life that allows a person to avoid death and maintain conscious thought. It can mean the unending existence of a person from a physical source other than organic life, such as a computer. Active pursuit of physical immortality can either be based on scientific trends, such as cryonics, digital immortality, breakthroughs in rejuvenation or predictions of an impending technological singularity, or because of a spiritual belief, such as those held by Rastafarians or Rebirthers. This lesson and the entire course involves guiding the student to a immortal state of being in a lucid, conscious manner.
Solar Evolution
This lesson is one of the most important lessons in the entire Immortality Course. It covers biophysical transmutation and illumination of the body, mind and soul through the absorption of solar energy. The lesson covers a straight-forward yet effective method of using full-spectrum solar energy, which enables one to harmonize and recharge the body with life energy and also invoke the unlimited powers of the mind very easily. Additionally, practices taught herein facilitate the liberation of the student from the threefold sufferings of humanity: mental illnesses, physical illnesses and spiritual ignorance.
The Art of Manifestation
Since everything in the universe is energy, the necessary ingredient for manifestation is the consistent mental and emotional energy that you emit in the form of thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Often, people on this spiritual path get caught up reading lots of books about the law of attraction, attending numerous seminars and hearing lectures about the Universal Law, but they fail to use the powerful tools that will translate their desires from the invisible world of cause to the visible world of manifestation. There are many books and audio programs on the market that explain what the law of attraction is and what it does, but few that teach people how to use this creative power on a daily basis. This lesson provides advanced manifestation techniques, strategies, insights which allow the student to quickly manifest desires.
Theory of Mind
This lesson gives the student an amazing theory of mind. Once grasped, the student is empowered to make a quantum leap in consciousness. Concept covered are Quantum Consciousness and Quantum Cognition. The concepts learned in this lesson are essential to understand the self. This introductory lesson is expanded on in Module 3, “Energy Matter, Form and Consciousness”.
Dynamic Meditation
Jose Silva taught a powerful system of Mind Development for over 40 years. At the core of his “Silva Method of Mind Control” was what he termed, “Dynamic Meditation.” Dynamic Meditation is the foundation of remote healing, remote sensing and what some authors call “remote viewing”. This lesson initiates the student to a world of higher mental functioning.
Energy, Matter, Form and Consciousness
In this lesson we discuss the basic holographic mind theory as well as the work of many 19th and 20th century researchers and the fascinating devices they have invented to demonstrate the energy of consciousness. This introductory lesson is expanded on in the “Theory of Mind” section of the course.
Reversing Heart Disease
Overcome heart disease without drugs or surgery. Coronary heart disease is caused by a thickening of the inside walls of the coronary arteries. This thickening, called atherosclerosis, narrows the space through which blood can flow, decreasing and sometimes completely cutting off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart. It is usually caused by a combination of non-holistic practices such as poor nutrition, environmental pollution, destructive eating habits and deterioration of the body. Many other factors can cause this disease reaction such as high and low blood pressure, acid ash, fat deposits, thermal glandular fatigue and loss of vein and artery flexibility. This lesson covers how to eliminate heart attacks, high blood pressure and strokes naturally.
Healing Psychological Problems
Psychotherapy can be defined as any type of persuasive or conversational approach designed to help patients. Although there are hundreds of techniques and schools of thought, most have in common a wish to understand the patient and help the patient change emotional or behavioral patterns. This course offers practical solutions to bring harmony to the student. Building on the Solar Evolution course, this lesson highlights “illumination” and bringing the brain-mind system into balance.
A Powerful, Perfect Diet
Raw foodists say that enzymes are the life force of a food. Nature has given each food its unique perfect mix. These vital enzymes allow us to fully digest our foods without having to rely on our own digestive enzymes. The process of cooking destroys or alters these enzymes, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Cooked foods take longer to digest and clogs up the digestive system and arteries with partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The following health benefits are highlighted by followers of a raw food diet: more energy, improved digestion, better looking skin, weight loss, lowered risk of developing heart and cardiovascular diseases. A report published in Food Technology in October 2012 explained that plant-based diets either significantly reduce or completely eliminate people’s genetic propensity to developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes type 2, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. This course instructs the student in practical ways to get started.
Special Exercises
This portion of The Immortality Course reveals a special aerobic exercise system that has been called the Fountain of Youth. Learn how and why this simple exercise system works to rejuvenate the bio-system, align energy centers and tone the body in just ten minutes a day.
The Science of Breath
Breath is the essential link between body and mind, energizing a “subtle body” which connects the physical and mental aspects of our being. This lesson demonstrates the science of breath as a key to physical health and the attainment of higher states of consciousness.
Mapping Your Destiny
This lesson introduces a unique little-known technique called Future-Mapping. It integrates your sense of physical reality with a future reality designed by you. Future Mapping is a brand new, altruistic way to create and uncover the desired future manifest goals by tapping into the subconscious mind and create an action plan that makes both the user and others happy.
Learn to tune in to natural cycles. This lesson presents a brief introduction to Cycles of all sorts from astrological to lesser known cycles that affect the financial markets. When the mind is used in a certain way, coincidence becomes second nature and is expected.
Remote Healing
As the title suggests, this lesson covers a detailed program for remote healing —a practical system for using creative visualization to heal others at a distance. Similar to the system taught by Jose Silva for over 40 years, this technique can produce dramatic results.
Divine Synchronicity – Part 1
The Divine Synchronicity System (formerly The Galactic Resonator System ©) is a proprietary system that allows the student to do intense self-discovery by recognizing and analyzing his or her own patterns of growth and evolution.
Divine Synchronicity – Part 2
Part two of the Divine Synchronicity lesson. In this lesson the student is given a customized, “Time Map”, which plots periods of change and transition for his or her soul. This time map can be used as a guide to one’s future and insight to the past.
Preventing and Reversing Aging
This lesson discusses how the aging process works and how to stop it indefinitely. Learn the connection between aging and disease.
A Solution for All Disease
The student is introduced to a unique natural “cure” for all known disease. This solution is now being used worldwide and affecting the lives of millions and is very controversial for obvious reasons. Should a simple, natural, accessible cure for virtually any known disease become popular, billions of dollars would be at stake for pharmaceutical companies who depend on the proliferation of disease.
Cycles – A Time for Everything
Continuing the cycles discussion initiated in the Synchronicity lesson, this lesson goes a bit more in-depth and encourages the student to use his or her intuition to tune into natural currents (for fun and profit).
Spiritual Sovereignty
To be spiritually sovereign means you are free of the illusion of being something that you are not. When you are spiritually sovereign, you remember that You Are God, and not the collection of false personas fabricated by your ego, or the egos of so-called religious organizations. A spiritual sovereign seeks to love; As a spiritually sovereign individual you will know that God is the innermost self, and as close to you as your own heart; and because of this, you do not allow yourself to be persuaded otherwise. You acknowledge that the reason you are here on Earth is to embody the life of your Soul – to give voice and creative expression to that unique focus of consciousness that you are within the Mind Of God.
Preservation of Wealth
At this point in the course, students on the path of immortality are granted access to an exclusive newsletter that features financial intelligence and wealth management information from worldwide sources. Combined with the manifestation skills learned in other lessons, the possibilities are unlimited.
Align your Choices with your Purpose
Sometimes people subconsciously offer themselves detrimental life challenges by making what is can be perceived as “bad” decisions. The shorter path of harmony in life is to “know thyself”. To quote one great teacher, “Your real work is to figure out where your power base is, and to work on the alignment of your personality and the gifts you have to give with the real reason why you are here. Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you.” In this lesson the student learns how to gain clarity on his or her purpose in this lifetime. In this lesson, the student learns how to make choices that support his or her Purpose, which in turn automatically brings harmony into mind, body and soul.
Being Immortal
This lesson discusses embracing the immortal’s lifestyle. What do immortal’s do all day long? How do they live? Depending on your perspective the answers may be surprising. The path of the Immortal sees humility as a virtue. It is a natural by-product of spiritual attainments that transcend the ego, just as are the four noble states of mind: love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. The path also advocates humility as a moral precept. As such it is often expressed in terms of exhortation against an arrogant or haughty attitude. Being a sign of ego-centeredness, pride is seen as impeding the progress towards spiritual liberation and enlightenment.
Frequently Asked Questions
This course is for anyone interested in the pursuit of, and understanding of immortality by learning a practical step-by-step approach to transmutation of the mind, body and soul into a state of true self-realization.
The lessons of the course are designed to be sequenced over a six month period. Students are more successful when taking and passing one lesson at a time. This gives the student time to assimilate and use the information in their lives. Quizzes are given at the conclusion of each lesson, and a passing grade of 80% is required before advancing to the next lesson.
The course and the lessons were designed by a group of individuals who have attained what is considered “Physical Immortality” by modern physical, spiritual and philosophical standards. The information contained in the lessons was collected, vetted and voted upon prior to inclusion. The lessons are delivered by one or more individuals employed by the course creators.
As of 2024 there have been 225 students worldwide. The student body is now growing at an accelerated pace due to the global desire to learn about advances in biotechnology, and other areas of interest to mankind without spiritual dogma.
The course can be paid for in five (5) equal payments. There are no discounts. See the order page for details.
The Immortality Course is unconditionally guaranteed. Unlike any traditional university course, if you are unsatisfied after completing the course, simply request a refund. However, just like a University Course in Electrical Engineering, there is no guarantee a student who completes the course will become and Electrical Engineer. Even though the student is provided all the steps and information necessary to achieve quantum shifts in consciousness, immortality is not guaranteed as it depends on the individual student’s commitment to study and practice the information given in the lessons. That being said, graduates have access to a supportive network of alumni who have taken the course.