DIvine Synchronicity

Genesis II and Autism

DivineSynchronicity.org has no direct affiliation with Genesis II Church (G2C).  We do however respect the work done by G2C and the integrity of the organization.  Their steadfast effort to educate the world on health truths is both outstanding and inspirational.  Even in the face of viscous attacks by those with direct fiduciary connections to the medical-industrial complex and modern egomaniac health gurus who spread lies and fake “news”, G2C remains solid, because it is powered by the truth.

The article below was first published by G2C in their member newsletter on 5/13/2016 and covers Kerri Rivera and her work with over 200 children with varying degrees of autism.

Children with Autistic Symptoms

Increasingly, more people have come to the Genesis II Church for help with autism.  We believe that MMS will indeed handle autism as well as almost all other diseases.

There are others around the world who have had very good success in helping autistic children and who use MMS in their protocols. Kerri Rivera has had over 200 autistic children recover completely using MMS in her protocols.  There are also other people we know of who have been successful using MMS to recover autistic children.  Jim Humble has been doing some research and has written a new book (coming soon) with updated discoveries that he feels may be very successful in assisting with one’s recovery from autism.


Kerri Rivera’s Interview with Dave Asprey (Bulletproof Radio):

The G2C has probably used MMS (chlorine dioxide) more extensively than anyone else in the world.  The fact is we have helped thousands of people with MMS in more than a hundred countries.  Jim has personally helped 60,000 people with MMS, by phone, over the internet, in person in African countries, in the jungle in South America as well as many other countries. Archbishop Mark Grenon has helped thousands upon thousands using MMS and other Sacraments of the Genesis II Church, and our various Health Ministers and Bishops have also helped scores and scores of people.

Our success rate in helping people recover their health from a variety of disease and illness is extremely high, probably over 90%. Check out our testimony sites here:

Over the years, time and time again we have found that using MMS1 mixed fresh for each hourly dose brings the best health recovery results. This has been shown by anecdotal evidence of thousands of people.

Science has a tendency to laugh at anecdotal evidence, and they tend to invalidate many tests and good evidence. However, according to science,  three, four, or five people recovering health is “insufficient” anecdotal evidence, but when you have a thousand people getting well and you try to invalidate the evidence because it is “anecdotal”, something is wrong.  When a thousand people have a similar experience with a medicine or other healing remedies then it can hardly be brushed aside as “insufficient” anecdotal evidence. Medical science still invalidates the information no matter how many lives are saved. This is what we have—we have thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people who simply go for something that is very simple and that works!  Laugh if you want, listen to the critics if you want, but the fact is, hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved. Please, if you are sick don’t walk away without at least trying MMS. You may be trashing your last hope to not only live longer, but to have a good quality of life.

To those with autism, we believe, after helping thousands of people to recover their health from hundreds of diseases, including autism, by using our basic Sacramental Protocols, it is well worth it to give MMS a try.

Jim Humble’s new book (coming soon—stay tuned for the announcement of the release date) gives up-to-date detailed instructions on how MMS must be used. Medical people say there is no cure for autism.  We say you can use MMS to overcome autism and our new book will show you how. Give your child a chance. Children worldwide have overcome autism using the Genesis II Church MMS Protocols.

G2 Church contact info:


DivineSynchronicity.org has no affiliation with Genesis II Church of Health & Healing



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