DIvine Synchronicity

Curing Diabetes

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Learn to reverse Diabetes in 6 to 12 months. Diabetes is disease of the pancreas. It occurs when the melanin centers of the pancreas (Islet of Langerhaus) are damaged. When the body has natural fuel for the body (sugar) available, and fails to recognize it, the condition exists. This causes excess sugar to accumulate, which the body eliminates via excess urination. Excessive urinating causes thirst, dehydration, weight loss, loss of appetite, and an overworked kidney and pancreas. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin, which stimulates the use of sugar. Diseases, emotions and/or social stressors can over stimulate the pituitary and/or adrenals, which overtaxes the pancreas, resulting in diabetes. People can have misdiagnosed or sub clinical diabetes-related diseases of high blood pressure, hyperactivity, kidney failure, cataracts, nerve damage, glaucoma, infertility, mood swings, hair loss, bone loss, etc. Diabetes is usually caused by overeating and refined carbohydrates (bleached white flour, white rice, white grits, cooked white potatoes, and refined white sugar). Eating excessive amounts of animal flesh and cooked animal fats (fats and proteins change to sugar in the body) can also cause diabetes.

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