DIvine Synchronicity

Link Minds for Positive Change with Neurophone® Radio

Gentry Smith has been a Neurophone® user for over 40 years.  You can see and hear his whole story in his Neurophone Talk VideoOne of the most fascinating things about the Neurophone® according to Gentry is what happens when it is used in Group Neurophone Meditation.  He has developed Neurophone Radio™, a platform that allows Neurophone users to ‘link minds’ via the internet, and herein presents one of the most amazing crowdfunding opportunities ever!

Group Neurophone® Meditation occurs when one or more people listen to a program through a single Neurophone, or when individual Neurophone® users listen to a single live broadcast.

One popular theory of mind states that when one communicates directly with the core of consciousness, it is possible to affect reality (more on this topic in the video)  and it is believed that the Neurophone® allows such access.  Mr. Smith speculates the ‘reality altering effect’ has something to do with the fact that the Neurophone instantly causes symmetry between the hemispheres of the brain, increases neural efficiency (intelligence), and causes the user to be more aware of external energy fields.

Defined as, “any method of manipulating or interfering with the structure and/or function of neurons for improvement or repair, more and more people are interested in neuro-hacking for self improvement.  The Neurophone is the ultimate Neuro-hacking tool for its ability to instantly increase intelligence by improving neural efficiency.

There is also a growing interest in consciousness itself as the world becomes closer and mankind seeks to know and understand itself.  The resurgence in consciousness theory expands on both ancient and modern theories of mind such as those of Julian Jaynes and others.  Jayne’s thesis,The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mindis gaining popularity in this generation because of its recent mention in the HBO series, West World.

Quantum Mind Linking via The Neurophone®
The powerful Neurophone® effect seems to be dramatically enhanced when two or more people listen to the same program at the same time.  Mr. Smith states this may have to do with a theory of consciousness which states we are all one -perhaps at the soul level.  The ‘Quantum Mind Linking’ effect happens whether people are connected to a single Neurophone®  or when they are in remote locations and have individual Neurophones connected to a single broadcast.  Gentry has conducted Group Neurophone meditation sessions where as many as 12 people were simultaneously listening to a single Neurophone®.


Discussions on the power of using Neurophone Group Meditation for Creating Positive Global Change are at 11:19  and  23:12 in the Neurophone Talk video.

Two people experiencing mind linking via the Neurophone®

When I connected with the 12-member group listening to pink noise and other programs via the Neurophone®, I actually became more in tune with myself and felt profoundly balanced.  My awareness of synchronicity increased and manifestation became effortless.  This is purely experiential and the results speak for themselves.

In Neurophone Group Meditation when participants were connected listening to pink noise or ocean waves through the Neurophone®, amazing things happened:  All participants felt a more profound sense of inner harmony; it seemed that  incidences of synchronicity increased dramatically; intuition piqued, manifestation took less effort and members seemed able to make better choices easily.

With Neurophone Radio™, Gentry Smith has designed a way for Neurophone® users to connect via the internet and experience the exact same results.  Imagine the power of linking minds via the Neurophone with others worldwide for positive change!  It sounds very futuristic but the time is now.  It sort of gives new meaning to the phrases, “Global Brain and Global Consciousness!”

NeurophoneRadio.com is a web-based, virtual Neurophone® meditation group platform.  The theory and proof of concept was tested successfully about a year ago.

Why Now?
Just a couple of weeks ago Elon Musk made official his intention to link computers with the brain.

“I laughed, because when I was 17 or 18 I was already doing that.  At that age I was doing things with my home computer and modem and Neurophone® that I couldn’t tell my parents or anyone else about years (too much to go into here)”, said Gentry.

About the same time as Elon Musk’s announcement, Facebook announced an initiative to use technology so people could “hear through their skin” as if it was new news.  The Neurophone® has been around increasing people’s intelligence and neural efficiency since the 1950’s.

Tech Crunch article on Facebook’s initiative

“Not many people know that the 1962 version of the Neurophone® was pulled off the market primarily because with use people were becoming more “psychic” and the effect couldn’t be explained at the time.  Hopefully they’re using Flanagan Technology!) When I heard that, it motivated me to get back on the Neurophone Radio project.  We’ll see how the Facebook project goes.  I can tell you the future of that technology is going to be very interesting.  I have always said, in computers we simply recreate ourselves… from the way we use bits and bytes to the way we anthropomorphosize everything.”  -Gentry Smith

Your Invitation to Participate in the
Most Amazing Crowdfunding Project Ever!

What Neurophone Radio needs at this time is support, so we’re appealing to all Neurophone® users to participate.  To make this work we need to set up a multi-channel streaming media server as a virtual internet radio station whereby members can tune in to regularly scheduled mindful meditation sessions geared specifically for Neurophone® listening. If all goes well, We will launch in June.

Neurophone Radio™ is designed to be a donation-funded membership site, solely because we need to cover licensing fees for some of streaming music and copyrighted guided meditation programs.  Once launched, the site can be sustained by ads and sponsorship programs.  We have many other interesting/futuristic things in development for members which will be announced at the appropriate time.  On NeurophoneRadio.com we will be posting articles and possibly interviewing interesting people, researchers and neuro-hackers with great stories to share via podcast.

Gentry Smith has developed an internet-based streaming radio platform specifically for Neurophone® users.

A futuristic service for the benefit of all humanity

Neurophone Radio™ Features:

• Online Group Neurophone Meditation Center
• Link Minds worldwide for positive global and personal change
• Take Dynamic Meditation to the Next Level
• Experience Dramatic Synchronicity
• Experience the power of ‘Conscious Quantum Mink Linking’

Link minds with other Neurophone® users via the internet for positive Global Change!

Group electronic meditation is a profoundly beneficial experience. Neurophone Radio seeks to be the hub for amazing, high-tech group meditation for Neurophone® users.  With this free service, Neurophone® users can enjoy self-directed group meditation sessions in real-time, literally linking minds with others worldwide via the internet!

With Neurophone Radio, The Internet becomes a virtual
“corpus callosum” for quantum mind-linking via the Neurophone®

Neurophone® users can check the broadcast schedule and join a session of their choice by connecting their Neurophones to any web-connected computer, smartphone or media device’s audio output for amazing group meditation experiences.

Screenshot of the Original
Neurophone Radio Test Site Sidebar:

Incentive List (so far):
$10 – NeuroPhan 10-month, nag-free membership
$25 – NeuroPhanatic  16-month, nag-free membership+
$100 – World Change Maker  Neurophone Radio™ T-Shirt
$200 – Board Member Status (TBD – I promise it’ll be something nice)
$250 – Master Mind: (TBD – I promise it’ll be something nice)
$500 or more – Board Member – (TBD – I promise it’ll be something nice)

Neurophone Radio™ and neurophoneradio.com are independent organizations and are
not affiliated with Phi Sciences or Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan.

We’ll also set up an alert system so that when something blows up”in the world, instead of getting wrapped up in the hysteria of the moment -often fed by news media-… the alert system would send a message to Neurophone® user/members to immediately tune in to a “world peace-like channel”, link minds and focus on world peace.

How about that?
What if thousands of people linked minds and visualized peaceful solutions?

Example, let’s say in the case of natural disasters like earthquakes – you receive an Neurophone Radio alert a 6.0 earthquake has caused devastation, or a community has been stricken by floods, tornados or even man-made catastrophes such as war.  Join a virtual Neurophone “Meetup” via the site, turn on the pink noise, link minds and think love, peace and harmony regarding a situation.

Yes, LINK MINDS via the Neurophone and affect change.

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