DIvine Synchronicity

The island where people forget to die

Here are two great articles about Icaria, the Greek Isle where residents live profoundly long and healthful lives. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/magazine/the-island-where-people-forget-to-die.html The secret?  Possibly, eating quality food, drinking wine, a slow pace of life, and a close community.   The NY Times article opens with the story of Stamatis Moraitis, who came to the US in 1946.  Diagnosed

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The Biggest Cover Up In The History Of Cancer?

It has been becoming increasingly apparent in recent years that there are a number of alternative cancer treatment methods which have proven to either eradicate cancer cells on their own, or even assist with the more traditional methods of chemotherapy and radiation. Many of these alternative treatments do not get the recognition that they deserve from either mainstream media or mainstream medicine.

The Biggest Cover Up In The History Of Cancer? Read More »

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